Author: Tessa

Professional Machine Quilting Services and quilted products

Southern Vermont Quilting

Well, it’s Spring in Vermont, which is as always, a rollercoaster of weather…. People say, if you don’t like the weather, just wait a minute and it will change…and it’s pretty much true. Sometimes, it feels like we experience two or three seasons in a single day. Yesterday was sunny and warm and I had…
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Under the Needle

Under the Needle This is what’s under the needle in the studio today. A beautiful batik quilt by Libby. Pattern is called Binding Tool Star. It’s getting some stars and swirls stitched on it today.

Hello. Welcome to Hummingbird Hill Quilting

I’m slowly learning the new site and how to create and edit. So things are growing and still under construction. A few pages should be live now. Phew! Please contact Tessa directly if you have any questions.!/pages/Wilmington-VT/Hummingbird-Hill-Quilting/108101639257970